
The PI presented the research project “Effects of globalization and financial inclusion on energy intensity: insights from emerging economies” at the departmental meeting of the Department of Information Technology and Management, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw on April 26, 2023. The participants appreciated the project and hoped to get the project outcomes in the stipulated time.

PI and mentor participated in the Kick-off meeting held on June 19-20, 2023. The two-day event took place at the National Science Centre’s (NCN) headquarters in Krakow and was the first networking opportunity for the researchers.

    PI delivered a lecture on Referencing Manager (Mendeley) on May 23, 2023 at Department of information Technology and Management, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw to Master level students. During the session, primary focus was skill transfer to the students of university of Warsaw.

PI and mentor participated in XXXIV Conference of the Faculty of Economic Sciences held at Natural Hotel Eco & Conference, Ostroda, Poland on September 28-29, 2023.

     PI attended two day conference at Mons, Belgium on 18-19 April, 2024. The title of the conference was “MSCA 2024-Reseachers’ careers: multiple pathways”. The PI actively participated in the all sessions and collaborated with new MSCA fellow researchers.

As part of my NCN project on "Effects of Globalization and Financial Inclusion on Energy Intensity," PI completed a two-week secondment at FM. Lab Bartłomiej Dessoulavy-Śliwiński. This secondment aimed to facilitate a knowledge transfer between principal investigator, and FM. Lab. The focus was on exchanging insights and expertise that would benefit both the research project and the firm's strategic initiatives. This report outlines the activities undertaken, knowledge shared, and the contributions made to FM. Lab, as well as how FM. Lab has supported the progress of this project.